¡ABORTO LEGAL! I’ve been hearing that a lot, a lot, here in Argentina. It’s a really hot button issue. Trump is president now and when you think about it, a lot of people have been talking about how they’re scared that he’s gonna take away those rights because he’s been saying so. He is the president—you know the government is taking direction from him and some of the states are taking direction as well.
They’re saying that they want to ban abortion. They’ve been declining to give Planned Parenthood funding. I’m astonished at the different things that have been happening—to be here in Argentina—to be here in grassroots organizing and being a part of a movement. I’m seeing some of these women put themselves in positions where they are in danger; they know they are fighting for something. They are aggressively protesting; they’re doing things that they need to—showing the government that they are serious about their rights.
It’s something to be admired when you think about it, when you see it and being able to experience it here with them, at this moment—it’s amazing. It’s one of the things that makes me feel like I am a nomad, like hey I’m actually here within the country participating in what’s going on in the country and I got to meet some new friends. I got to have a mate with some friends here in Córdoba.
It’s a big city. It’s the one of the main cities of Argentina and what happens when you are out in the middle of the day because you’re you know switching locations, or you’re changing hotels, you find somebody to chit-chat with and I got a wonderful opportunity to do that today. I even went and sat down with them and read.
It was magnificent to be able to share a moment with them. They spoke a little bit of English so it wasn’t very hard to communicate with them and I found that really also assuring. It’s sometimes harder to align and connect with somebody not speaking the same language so when people do speak English it’s so much appreciated.
But here’s my new friends and the mate I had today. Córdoba, looking good. Check it out. Until next time.
-Tall Black Nomad